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Capacity Forecasting Dashboard. Unlock the potential of utility scale solar in Outback Australia with Proa’s NT capacity forecasting system.

Market Optimisation System

In the dynamic renewable energy sector, asset stakeholders face an increasingly complex array of variables when optimizing project performance. Beyond technical considerations, they must now navigate financial, commercial, and environmental factors to develop a comprehensive control strategy.

This complexity is particularly evident in hybrid systems that combine volatile renewable generation with scheduled generators like Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS). Unlike standalone solar or wind projects, which historically focused on technical constraints and energy pricing, hybrid systems now also manage Frequency Control Ancillary Services (FCAS) and address technical and economic network limitations. Furthermore, BESS operations, previously centred on internal technical parameters and energy trading, must now incorporate the behaviours of renewable sources, relying on precise forecasts of solar and wind patterns.

Adapting to these multifaceted challenges is crucial for maximizing efficiency and profitability in today's renewable energy landscape. It underscores the necessity for integrated approaches that harmonize technical, financial, and operational dynamics.

Solar/ Wind


Solar/ Wind/ BESS

Technical Limitations



Project Commercial Requirements

Energy Market



Proa's Market Optimization System (MOS) facilitates this integration by aligning renewable energy generators with storage systems. By integrating system specifications, current and future market and network conditions, and commercial agreements, MOS calculates and implements strategies to optimize both technical performance and financial outcomes for your project.

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